Namaste Gaia

Namaste Gaia

Meaning of the artwork:
Namaste Gaia means: the God in me is greeting the God in GAIA (Earth). This artwork is a call for the human being to assume a state of consciousness of love and responsibility, symbolized by the Lotus Flower, which is illuminated by the sun (Creator). 

This conscious human being will return to the creation due respect and caring for it in a loving and responsible way, accompanying its process of recovering original health and beauty. The rainbow symbolizes the announcement of the arrival of this Golden Age of peace, happiness and prosperity for all, where the Earth will finally return to its pristine state at the beginning of creation.

The fish, flowers and butterflies fit perfectly into the structure of the Flower of Life, demonstrating that creation is completly one with Divine Law and Order.

This artwork is for the person who feels much love for GAIA (Earth) and is contributing to return her its original purity and beauty.

Description of the artwork:
METATRON'S CUBE is composed of the 13 colored circles, connected with the blue lines and is overlapping the grid of the FLOWER OF LIFE. In the upper part the grid of the FLOWER OF LIFE is blue, symbolizing the water and in the lower part it is green, symbolizing the Earth.

This artwork gave birth to the logo of METATRON ART:

TechniqueHand drawing with color pencil and pen on paper Fabriano 220g
Size 1: 86cm x 85cm (with frame and anti-reflective glass)
Size 264,5cm x 64cm (with frame and anti-reflective glass)

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